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Gamerpoints mean real prizes?

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Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

If you have a rather large Gamerscore, you should be eager to hear rumours from Internet-land that Gamerpoints could soon be bagging you proper rewards.

The idea originated on Xbox community blog site Unscripted 360, which claimed to have seen a partially torn document containing "interesting plans". From this elusive piece of evidence it announced that Xbox (Microsoft) was teaming up with sponsors to launch a free program to reward Achievements with prizes.

With no proof to speak of, and Microsoft unavailable for comment, it's something to be taken with a pinch of salt: but it's certainly not beyond the realms of possibility.

We've already seen the company reward avid gamers and community blog pages with special privileges such as early access to upcoming games; expanding this area to include free Arcade games or Points for downloads, among other things, is a realistic idea.

"We have nothing to say about these rumors or speculation," Microsoft managed to tell US sites. "However, what we can tell you is that Xbox is always exploring ideas for how we can reward our loyal customers. As soon as we have anything new to share, we will definitely let you know."

Maybe this will give the companies offering to farm points for your cash the kick-start they need.

What on earth do you think? Speak your brain.

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