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Fake swatting prank leads to popular Twitch streamer getting banned

"Trick is an entertainer and that is just how it is."

Popular Twitch streamer Trick2G has been banned from Twitch after staging a fake swatting prank.

The swatting occurred in the final few moments of Trick2G's Saturday stream made to commence his achievement of attaining 800k followers. Unfortunately for Trick, not everyone saw this surprise conclusion as a barrel of laughs and his channel was suspended shortly thereafter.

Heading to his channel now simply comes to an empty Twitch page bearing the message: "The community has closed this channel due to terms of service violations."

Team2G manager Cher Gambino was adamant that this prank was clearly a joke and just another piece of sketch comedy on an already ridiculous channel. On Team2G's blog, Gambino offered the following statement on the gag in question:

"First we would like to thank everyone that came by to Tricks 800K follower stream. For those that were not able to make it, we had giveaways, sailor girls, pirate girls a singing bear, a balloon gifting pig and yes an extreme FAKE ending for an extremely entertaining Trick2G.

"Trick is an entertainer and that is just how it is, he streams 12 - 14 hours a day and brings constant laughter throughout each and every stream. Trick is known for his MY WAY streams and off the wall attitude. Now, I know some of you are saying...'Cher it is not funny to make a joke about being swatted' There is always someone that thinks only their sense of humour is what matters and if they don't think it is funny then it couldn't possibly be. That is why our country is in the shape it is now, because we fear making light of anything that might be thought of as controversial.

"To take that stream ending serious is absurd, Trick was laughing, the person used was NOT in disguise and was the same person who was on the stream all day yesterday setting up cameras and assisting the stream. The ending was scheduled for 3PM which again if thought process was used in any way, one would know that a swat team would not wait until the end of a stream to engage.

"We don't have to always be politically correct to have a sense of humour and we don't have to hide the fact that we think something is funny simply because someone might not. We will not live in fear of our sense of humour but we will apologise to those who feel theirs is the only sense of humor to have. To those of you who enjoyed the theatrics throughout the 24 hour stream, we thank you. To those of you who were offended by the ending we apologise but together we thank you for supporting the stream and look forward to the 1 million follower 24 hour stream. I am thinking of a whale jumping out of the water to eat him and I will check first to see if this would offend anyone."

Gambino has since told Kotaku that she isn't sure how long the ban will last and that Team2G is "working on the details of what we will be doing now."

When asked for more info about this suspension a Twitch representative told Eurogamer "We don't comment on terms of service violations."

Swatting is certainly no laughing matter to Joshua Peters, a Runescape streamer whose 10-year-old brother answered the door to a swat team pointing guns at him earlier this year.

You can watch Trick2G's fake swatting captured by YouTuber Nebu below.

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