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Factor 5 doing a new Wii game

Lair developer back in Nintendo land.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Factor 5 has said it will mark its return to developing for Nintendo hardware with a fancy new Wii game.

President Julian Eggebrecht spilled the beans to IGN, revealing development was already underway.

Factor 5 made a name for itself with the Star Wars: Rogue Squadron series that started on N64 back in 1998. No help from Wikipedia, promise.

Eventually it broke onto the GameCube in 2002 with Rogue Leader, and we jumped up and down and sang and danced and awarded it a meaty 9/10. Third game, Rebel Strike, not so much.

Recently Factor 5 also disappointed us with the good looking but monstrously shallow and repetitive PS3 outing Lair, the one where you ride around on dragons and kill things.

Details on its Wii plans are non-existent so far, although we know it will not re-use old technology and probably maybe theoretically squeeze lots of performance juice from the hardware.

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