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ESA can save "soulless" E3 - Moore

"There are important meetings ahead."

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Peter Moore, president of EA Sports, has said that he's confident with the help of publishers the Entertainment Software Association can save the flagging E3 show, reports.

Describing this year's event as "soulless", Moore revealed Electronic Arts has meetings scheduled with the ESA to address the problems of the event which has been heavily criticised by attendees and the press.

"There was a palpable sense of frustration at the structure and logistics from all participants, from publishers like ourselves to the working press and financial analysts," wrote Moore in his blog.

"Soulless and lacking an epicentre, the fragmented layout gave no indication whatsoever that we are the fastest growing entertainment medium in the world. While I am not sure I want to revert back to the old days of excess and one-upmanship, I do know that this format isn’t working."

Moore suggests that the ESA needs to invite videogames players to help inject passion back to the show.

"We're confident that we can work with the ESA to make this right. There are important meetings ahead that we think will be substantive and be productive in finding the right path forward "

"Let's invite the community. With the right planning, involving our biggest fans in E3 would bring back some of the raw passion the event has lost," he said.

"Whether it's E3, or whether it's in our forums, my belief is bringing in the fans helps us to create better games and bring new ideas to the market."

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