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Epic rewarding UT3 mod makers

With bundles and bundles of prizes.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Epic Games has teamed up with Intel to run another Make Something Unreal competition.

All you have to do is make a mod for Unreal Tournament 3 on PC and you could win thousands and thousands of pounds-worth of prizes.

Judging begins in June 2008, and there are multiple categories and phases to enter into, which should apparently encourage you to enter early and often and keep improving your work over time.

The best part is that all content submitted will be made available for owners of Unreal Tournament 3 on PC to play.

Grand prizes will go to entries into the Best FPS game mod or BEST non-FPS game mod categories. Last year Tripwire Interactive won with its World War II shooter Red Orchestra, and called its success a "real-life rags to retail story". Tripwire bagged around USD 80,000 in cash and hardware prizes.

Oh, you will also get an Unreal Engine 3 licence, which normally costs an arm and a leg and a severed head.

To find out more, head over to the Make Something Unreal Contest website.

Good luck! Or you could design something for Eurogamer and win branded T-shirt. Did we mention those before? Lovely stitching.

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