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EA's John Schappert loves the 3DS

Also talks about the PSP and Activision.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

EA's second in command John Schappert loves Nintendo's 3DS.

He described Sony's PSP business as "challenged", and said stories about rival publisher Activision "haven't been very positive". Zing.

"The 3DS is just incredibly cool. The 3DS is magical. You put that in your hand, you look down, and all of a sudden it's in 3D without glasses. That's an amazing experience. I'm a huge fan," Schappert told IndustryGamers.

"I think that device is going to sell like hot cakes. I think it's going to do incredibly well, and in typical Nintendo fashion they have re-energized the industry, yet again. I give them nothing but credit and we are excited to be supporting that platform with Madden, FIFA, and The Sims that we announced."

Schappert said that Sony's PSP business "has been challenged" for a while now.

"I hope they're able to breathe new life into [the PSP] because it's been a very nice platform to date, but it has been soft of late… I'd like to see Sony do well… It feels like yesterday when the PSP was on allocation because of Monster Hunter, wasn't it? So, you know, give them credit. The boys are smart... they'll do ok."

Now, it's time for Activision, which has been in the news for interesting reasons lately.

"... Stories of late [regarding Activision] haven't been very positive. And we couldn't be happier to have Jason [West] and Vince [Zampella] as part of our EA Partners program, or Ted Price of Insomniac.

"I would say we're two very, very different companies. What we try to be is a company that embodies creative development, that fosters the development of games, that treats talent as well as you possibly can, because at the end of the day, that's what our industry is and that's what our company is.

"Without great people we can't have great games, and without great games we don't have much of a company and so it's all about taking care of the people that make the products and treating them as the most precious resource because they truly are. So that's really our philosophy."

Zing. Also, Sledgehammer Games boss Glenn Schofield says hi.

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