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E3 2023 announces in-person show dates

With industry-specific days prior to public opening.

E3 will return as an in-person event next year in June, with three days given over to industry attendees and two days for the general public.

The LA-based show will open its doors for the first time since 2019 at its usual home of the Los Angeles Convention Centre, following mixed success as an online event in the interim.

Next year will see the LACC's two main halls divided into separate spaces for industry attendees and those attending as fans - similar to how the various halls are separated at Gamescom.

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Behind the scenes, as previously announced, the event is now being operated by Reedpop - the company which owns PAX and EGX, and a number of websites including Eurogamer.

Over the event's four days, the first three will be open to industry personnel, media, developers and publishers.

The concluding two days (with one day of overlap) will be geared more towards fans meeting developers, content creators and media personalities. There will also be a "dedicated theatre of content" open for fans to watch.

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