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Devolver's E3 press conference is returning for (probably) more harrowing scenes

"Apologies in advance".

After its unforgettable (and more than a little unsettling) E3 showcase last year, indie publisher Devolver Digital has confirmed that it will be holding its second ever E3 press conference on Sunday, June 10th.

More specifically, the show - once again titled the Big Fancy Press Conference - will unfurl on Sunday, June 10th, at 8pm Pacific Time. For those of us in the UK, this amounts to a rather more unsociable 4am on Monday, June 11th. Ominously, if not exactly unexpectedly, Devolver's announcement tweet notes, "Apologies in advance".

Devolver's previous effort was an unexpected, and deliciously subversive, highlight of E3 2017. If you missed it, it's well worth taking 15 minutes to remedy your knowledge gap:

Watch on YouTube

In a notable break from last year's show, Devolver's E3 2018 press conference promises "real, actual game reveals", as well as "technological innovations from Devolver Labs". Hopefully, Devolver's research and development arm will also have found a way to reinvigorate chief synergy officer Nina Struthers, so that she may reprise her role as uncompromising host.

Even if that's not the case, there will, says Devolver, "almost certainly be blood, possibly loss of life" when proceedings get underway on June 10th.

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