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Deus Ex movie based on Human Revolution signed by CBS Films

Working closely with Eidos Montreal.

There is to be a Deus Ex movie based on the recent Human Revolution reboot of the series.

CBS Films has secured the rights to adapt it, according to Variety, and will work closely with Eidos Montreal on the adaptation.

Quick, somebody call Mark Wahlberg!

"As the millions of fans who have played the Deus Ex games for more than a decade will tell you, these games catapult you into a universe that is stimulating, engaging and relevant," Square Enix Europe president and CEO Phil Rogers commented.

"We're firm believers in building strong partnerships, and so we're thrilled to be working with CBS Films on bringing the unique Deus Ex experience to the big-screen."

Roy Lee, executive producer of The Departed, and Adrian Askarieh - a film producer who's landed other Eidos/Square Enix film rights - are linked to the movie as producers.

CBS Films bods John P. Middleton (not sure who he is), Maria Faillace and Alex Gino will oversee the project.

Question is, who will play the game's hero, Adam Jensen?

Square Enix produced some tantalising TV teasers for Deus Ex: Human Revolution.

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