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David Jaffe-aided MotorGun Kickstarter cancelled

"Kickstarter is a harsh mistress."

Kickstarter hopeful MotorGun - the next project for Twisted Metal creator David Jaffe - has had its campaign culled after little more than a week.

The indie vehicular combat game had raised less than 10 per cent of its $650,000 goal.

MotorGun's development was being headed up by Interstate '76 team members Michael "Maxx" Kaufman and Mike Arkin at indie startup Pixelbionic. If successful, Jaffe would have helped develop the game's vision and design.

The decision to cancel the game's campaign now was taken "to not drag it out", Kaufman and Arkin wrote in a update last night.

"Kickstarter is a harsh mistress. Lots of projects are pitched to the community and sometimes they resonate and sometimes they don't. In this case, what we were pitching wasn't exactly what you guys wanted," the duo wrote.

MotorGun may yet reappear under a new guise, however.

"In the next few weeks we'll be reformulating our design and Kickstarter plan and we encourage all of you to head over to our website at and sign up for the forums. Tell us what you liked and what you didn't and you can help shape the next phase of this wild adventure."

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