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Crytek's Ryse confirmed as an Xbox One exclusive

Controller-based gameplay “enhanced” by Kinect.

As expected, Crytek's Ryse is an Xbox One game.

An update on developer Crytek's website confirmed the news alongside a countdown that ends during Microsoft's E3 press conference in June.

"Exclusively for Xbox One" reads the website. "Fight as a soldier. Lead as a general. Rise as a legend."

Then: "Controller-based gameplay enhanced by Kinect," which suggests you'll be able to play the game with pad in hand.

Last month it was reported that Crytek's first-person melee game would be a launch title for the next Xbox. Ryse, announced during E3 2011 as an Xbox 360 game with Kinect functionality, has been reworked for the next Xbox and was described as "Microsoft's new Gears of War / Halo mega launch title".

Ryse was originally know as Kingdoms and made its first appearance at Microsoft's E3 conference in 2010. Since then it has shifted from Crytek's Budapest studio to its Frankfurt one, with the most recent reports suggesting that Crackdown 2 developer Ruffian Games was also involved.

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