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Crash magazine returns with a crowdfunded annual

And it's already smashed through its target.

Just over 25 years after the publication of what's widely held as its final ever issue, Crash is back, with a new crowdfunded edition bringing back together some of the old team.

Crash magazine began life in 1983, earning itself a legion of fans in its eight years on shelves and considered a high watermark for coverage of video games. You can read its story and some insight into what made it so special in Graeme Mason's feature from earlier this year - and, full disclosure time, Graeme is involved in this revival of Crash.

The Crash Annual 2018 features full involvement from editor Roger Kean and artist Oliver Frey among others - and, perhaps most importantly, it'll also feature the return of fan favourite Lloyd Mangram.

The Kickstarter has been going for a short while, and has already smashed through its £12,000 goal with 20 days still to go.

Roger Kean, Crash magazine's very first editor who's returning to the role for this new annual, shared with us a little of the story behind the revival:

You can get involved in the Crash Kickstarter by heading over here, and the annual is aiming for release this coming November.

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