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Codemasters offers refunds on Colin McRae Rally after negative Steam reviews

"We hope this goes some way to restoring any lost faith."

Codemasters is offering refunds on Colin McRae Rally on Steam.

Colin McRae Rally drew criticism after it launched last week when some players said it was not the game they had expected based on the product description.

Some said they had expected a high definition remake of the 1998 original. What they got was a port of the mobile phone version released last year with, in Codemasters' words, touched up audio and graphics.

Following a raft of negative reviews, Codemasters has offered customers a refund and updated the Colin McRae Rally product page.

"At Codemasters, we care about our customers and pride ourselves on listening to our community," read a statement posted to the Steam forum by community manager Lee Williams.

"We understand that some people who bought Colin McRae Rally on Steam are upset and feel that it isn't the game they thought it would be. We have now updated the product description for clarification. 

"Furthermore, as an act of good faith, we have worked with Valve to enable anyone that bought the game to claim a refund. The ability to refund will be available until the 19th August.

"To process a refund, please go to your account transactions page and you will see a 'Refund' button for Colin McRae Rally. We hope this goes some way to restoring any lost faith and thank you as always, for your continued support."

The move seems to have gone down well. Steam user "James_UK" wrote: "Thanks for doing this. I didn't buy the game myself but do appreciate it when a developer can be honest and accept that they're wrong for what they've done which is a rare thing these days.

"Maybe one can really redeem themselves by bringing CMRs 1 through to 2005 onto Steam but updated to work better for modern computers/controllers ***hint hint***"

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