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Cliff Bleszinski starts studio with Guerrilla Games co-founder

Introducing Boss Key Productions.

Gears of War lead designer Cliff Bleszinski announced earlier this week that he's coming out of retirement and now he's revealed his new studio: a startup called Boss Key Productions that he's launching with Guerrilla Games co-founder Arjan Brussee.

The new indie outfit launched its webpage earlier today and while it's recently been edited to just include a logo, an earlier version of the site linked to Bleszinski's Twitter account. In turn, Bleszinski retweeted Boss Key's cryptic "soon" tweet, then suggested people follow the new studio in a Follow Friday mention.

Furthermore, a document filed in late April with the North Carolina Department of the Secretary of State (via Polygon) listed Bleszinki as the company's CEO, while Guerrilla Games co-founder Arjan Brussee was listed as the COO.

Given Bleszinski and Brussee's background, how much do you want to bet that its first game will be a shooter?

Brussee was one of the prime people behind launching the Killzone franchise and as of two years ago he started working as an executive producer at Visceral Games, where he helped develop Battlefield 3's End Game DLC and is currently working on Battlefield: Hardline. He also collaborated with Bleszinski on the Jazz Jackrabbit series in the mid 90s.

We're still not sure what Boss Key is making, but Bleszinski launched a countdown timer to the announcement of his next project. It's set to end on 8th July at 5pm UK time.

We've sent a query to Boss Key asking to get an idea of the company's size, but have yet to hear back. We'll update as we find out more.

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