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Capcom bemoans lost PSN revenue

Publisher is "frustrated and upset".

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Image credit: Eurogamer

The PlayStation Network downtime is costing Capcom hundreds of thousands of dollars in lost revenue, so says the publisher's senior VP Christian Svensson.

In a post on the Capcom Unity forums, Svensson speculated that its lost earnings could eventually total in the millions, compromising future game development.

"I'm frustrated and upset by it for a number of reasons," he wrote.

"As a consumer, I also play games online on PS3, which I can't do... and likely my personal information is also compromised. Secondly I like to buy things in the PlayStation Store and that I can't do right now.

"As an executive responsible for running a business, the resulting outage [is] obviously costing us hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dollars in revenue that were planned for within our budget. These are funds we rely on to bring new games to market for our fans.

"In short, the hackers appear to be trying to 'punish' Sony for some perceived injustice, and they've been effective in that I suppose. But they're also punishing millions of other consumers and businesses which makes it impossible to be sympathetic to their 'cause'."

Not only does the PSN outage mean that customers can't buy any of Capcom's DLC or digital titles, they also can't play some titles they might already own.

Recent download Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 is currently unplayable on the system thanks to DRM that demands an active PSN connection.

Earlier today, a Sony spokesperson warned that full PSN service might not be back up until 31st May.

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