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California county lets citizens trade violent video games for ice cream

Still better value than GameStop.

Citizens of Marin County, California can turn in their violent video games to the local government in exchange for ice cream.

Violent video games can be good fun, but Marin County drives a hard bargain.

Ben & Jerry's ice cream, to be exact.

As reported by the Marin Independent Journal, this is part of a new initiative by Marin County district attorney Ed Berberian. Berberian joined forces with Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream along with the Center for Domestic Peace to set up a drive in which locals can turn in both video games and toy guns to receive some sweet, sweet dairy treats.

They'll just have to bring their stash of violent games and toy firearms to the Novato police headquarters on 4th October between 10am - 1pm. Or, they can head to the Ben & Jerry's at Bon Air Shopping Center in Greenbrae on 11th October, the Town Center Mall in Corte Madera on 18th October, or the Sausalito police headquarters on 25th October.

"As we know domestic violence incidents almost always have children present and these children develop over time imprinted images of the family violence," Berberian said. "These children then carry those experiences into their adult lives and often repeat the pattern of violence in their own family units."

He called this disposal of violent media and toys "a chance to change today's modeling patterns" and a way to "alter how one later addresses conflict situations."

Previously, Berberian hosted a similar program where people traded in actual guns in exchange for cash. The initiative drew in 857 firearms, but the program ran out of money after losing $100K, so it needed to provide citizens with vouchers to receive the additional $70K it owed.

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