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Breaking Bad is getting a VR spin-off by series creator Vince Gilligan

Produced by Sony's PlayStation division.

AMC's acclaimed neo-noir series Breaking Bad is coming to VR.

An artistic representation of what you will probably be wearing when playing the Breaking Bad VR experience.

As reported by Variety, Breaking Bad creator Vince Gilligan has partnered with Sony to create a "non-game, virtual reality experience" based on the popular crime series.

Evidently a lot of TV bigwigs, such a Battlestar Galactica showrunner Ron Moore, were summoned by Sony to tinker around with its VR tech and Gilligan came away most enthused by the prospect.

"They just played around with VR. Several of them were intrigued, but Vince was the one who said, 'I really want to do something with this. I want to experiment with this,'" said Sony Interactive Entertainment's global chief executive Andrew House.

We don't know if this VR spin-off will be episodic or a single entity, nor do we have any idea what it will be about. Will it be a sequel? A prequel? A Cinnabon management simulator? The possibilities are limitless in the VR Gilliganverse!

What we do know is that it won't be out this year and its visuals will be animated by "Sony's game team".

Might as well ask: what kind of Breaking Bad experience would you like to see in VR?

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