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Bethesda has "concerns" about Battlecry

Sounds like development isn't going well.

It sounds like development on Battlecry, Bethesda's Team Fortress-esque multiplayer game, isn't going well.

Bethesda issued a statement to Progress Bar - verified by Eurogamer - that reveals it has "concerns" about the game.

Here's the statement:

Based on this statement, the best case scenario for Battlecry is Bethesda is working out how to save it. The worst case is the company will decide to cut its losses and cancel the game.

What this means for Austin, Texas-based developer BattleCry Studios, remains to be seen. Bethesda set up the studio back in 2012, with industry veteran Rich Vogel as its chief, specifically to make BattleCry, the company's foray into the team-based multiplayer shooter market.

But it's so far failed to make much of an impression, and faces competition from similar games, such as Blizzard's Overwatch, Gearbox's Battleborn and Valve's already successful Team Fortress 2.

A beta was planned. Indeed you're still able to sign up for it on the Battlecry website.

This isn't the first time Bethesda has admitted to quality concerns around one of its games. Back in 2013, id Software said it scrapped an earlier version of Doom 4 because it suffered from "an identity crisis".

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