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Bank Holiday Updates

Bungie, Media Molecule, Retro.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Monday, 25th August is a Bank Holiday in the land of Eurogamer, which means that there won't be any news updates.

However, that doesn't mean we'll be leaving you fine people completely without new content to chew over.

Quite the contrary, in fact, because we've got interviews with Bungie and Media Molecule, and a look at the SEGA Mega Drive Handheld over on EG Retro.

Bungie's Damian Isla is one of the key men behind Halo's artificial intelligence, which of course is one of the key elements behind the series' success.

We spoke to Damian at the recent Develop Conference, and picked his brain about developments in first-person shooter AI and how the team feels about the extension of Halo into new areas, like RTS.

Media Molecule's Alex Evans, meanwhile, is technical director and co-founder of the LittleBigPlanet developer - and in this interview he tells us about the creative side of the game.

There's a lot in there to digest about user-created content, how Media Molecule handles it and how the developer expects LBP to expand as it gathers momentum after its 29th October launch on PS3.

Finally, the SEGA Mega Drive Handheld was always destined to end up on Retro buff Kristan Reed's desk, and he takes it apart in today's feature.

Not literally, obviously, although we did see him doing suspicious things with it in the meeting room - although possibly just to get it out of its insane vacuum-sealed plastic wrapping, itself something of a throwback.

Enjoy all that, and join us again on Tuesday when traditional updates resume.

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