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Audiosurf 2 out today on Steam Early Access

Music to our ears.

Audiosurf 2, the long overdue follow-up to Dylan Fitterer's 2008 indie hit, will launch today, October 2nd, on Steam Early Access. Fitterer himself made the announcement via Twitter.

The original game made waves by basing its rhythmic gameplay around songs from the player's own music library, transforming MP3s into dizzying roller coaster rides. "For those twitching fingers that still enjoy the thrill of the high score, Audiosurf has the potential to become a bite-sized obsession thanks to its quick fix gameplay and infinite musical possibilities," are the words what I wrote at the time.

For this sequel, originally called Audiosurf Air, a new first-person wakeboarding mode has been added, along with an Audiosprint party mode. The game also supports Steam Workshop, allowing fans to create their own mods.

Keep your eyes glued to the game's Steam page.

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