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Red Dead Redemption 2 - A Quiet Time

How to complete A Quiet Time in Red Dead Redemption 2.

A Quiet Time is a mission from Red Dead Redemption 2's second chapter.

For more help, our Red Dead Redemption 2 walkthrough explains how to complete the game's many story missions.

A Quiet Time

A Quiet Time objectives:

  • Try to make amends with an old rival
  • Catch Lenny in the act
  • Don't get arrested
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This is a mission from Dutch at the camp - complete enough missions at the camp and it'll appear. For us, it was when we completed Paying a Social Call.

First, take Lenny to the saloon in Valentine. Approach the bar and lean against it. During the cutscene, you have a range of options with how to deal with the rude customer - we recommend the charming approach to keep things civil.

From there, you'll get drunk and Lenny will keep disappearing. In-between each time you find him, there will be a bunch more jump cuts, then he'll go missing again.

Lenny will be located upstairs on the balcony the first time you lose him.

Straight after this, Lenny will be directly downstairs. Just head down and approach him as the two men try and fight him.

The final time is the hardest, as you walk around in first person and everyone looks like him. For us, it was simply a case of asking as many people as we could - press L2 and then Square (or X on Xbox) - until he finds you.

After that, there are a few more interactive but scripted scenes, and the mission ends with you high up on the hills not far from the camp.

Understandably, your stamina is quite low - we recommend resting (hold Triangle on PlayStation, or Y on Xbox) to crouch and recover some of it. Otherwise, eating the right provisions will set you straight.

Completing this mission unlocks Blessed Are The Meek? in Strawberry.

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