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CM4 is UK's fastest-selling PC game ever

We didn't have to wait until next week to find out after all, then

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Sports Interactive's Championship Manager 4 has officially had the biggest opening weekend of any PC game in the UK, and is the third fastest selling game of all time on any platform.

The football management simulator sold a huge 124,627 copies in its first two days on sale, according to market stats kings Chart-Track. Adjusted upwards to account for the retailers Chart-Track doesn't cover, that's probably well over 150,000 copies in total.

The performance of the game has ousted the previous PC record holder, which was Championship Manager 01/02; and it's also elevated ChampMan into third place in the all-formats rankings for speedy sales. Only PS2 titles Grand Theft Auto: Vice City and The Getaway had larger opening weekends than CM4.

What's more, publishers Eidos are hoping to keep the level of sales high, with a mainstream advertising campaign, including TV and radio support, about to get underway in support of the game.

Apparently, Championship Manager has sold more than 3,000,000 units in total worldwide since it first appeared in 1992 - which is pretty impressive for a game which has traditionally suffered from poor distribution in a lot of territories outside the UK.

Although accused of being buggy, the latest instalment of the Championship Manager franchise has been well-received by the specialist press; indeed, Kristan gave the game a coveted 10/10 rating yesterday.

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