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Metroid storms the chart

Oh what a difference a few hit titles (and unofficial price cutting) make

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

The GameCube has its first UK All Formats number one of the year this week in the welcome form of Metroid Prime, proving that despite retail worries, the console is still far from dead in the UK.

Boosted by the arrival of the keenly anticipated and hugely critically acclaimed title, and no doubt by the aggressive discounting of the console hardware by retailers such as Argos and Dixons, several other GameCube titles climbed up the charts this week - including Super Mario Sunshine, which jumped eight places to number 17, and Luigi's Mansion, which re-entered the charts at 25.

In contrast, the biggest title on the Xbox last week didn't fare quite so well, with the much-vaunted Panzer Dragoon Orta making an unimpressive debut at number 21 in the All Formats chart - and even being squeezed out of the top of the Xbox chart by Sega stablemate Shenmue II, which entered the All Formats chart at number 19.

The weeks other disappointing performance is Sony's entertaining stealth/action title, The Mark of Kri, which fails to register in the PS2 Top 20, let alone the All Formats chart, despite positive reviews from a number of publications including this one.

In the top ten, EA's The Sims holds on to second place, while Ubi Soft's Rayman 3 climbs seven places to number three. Christmas favourites The Getaway, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City and Lord of the Rings: Two Towers are at four, five and six respectively, while last week's number one, Tenchu: Wrath of Heaven, slips back to number seven.

This week sees a number of new titles which should make a mark in the charts being released. Expect Championship Manager 4 to be at number one in seven days time, and the arrival of the GBA SP and Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past may see some GBA titles in the All Formats chart again at last. Meanwhile, MGS2 Substance appears on PS2 and PC and Splinter Cell is finally ported to the PS2 - not to mention Devil May Cry 2 rolling out on PS2, and soft porn 'em up Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball showing up on Xbox.

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