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Sony gets arty

Primal Art exhibition comes to the ICA in April

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Are we alone in the universe? Did men really ever walk on the moon? Is gaming art? While the former two questions are always up for debate, the latter answer is, apparently, yes, with London's Institute of Contemporary Arts (ICA) set to host 'Primal Art' - an exhibition of art from the game and "an innovative peek into the world of contemporary art and the cultural appeal of video games", from 6th to the 9th of April.

It could, of course, be a cunning marketing exercise by Sony to get some extra media attention for the release of its Studio Cambridge developed action adventure Primal - spookily due for release just two days after the exhibition on April 11th - but it's proof of sorts that gaming is being taken more seriously than when I were a lad. We can't recall Chuckie Egg or Manic Miner getting this kind of highbrow treatment.

Sony hopes to also use the event to lure creative types into considering touting their talents in the videogames industry: "Academic institutions are fast recognising the multitude of valuable opportunities for graduates in a broad spectrum of creative and technical disciplines throughout the video games industry.

"Primal Art offers a unique insight into the creative potential of this burgeoning cultural business sector, bringing together not only those from art, animation and design but also the people who drive the creative process of video games," says Sony.

The exhibition features "useful seminars" and "fascinating graphic art" from SCEE Studio Cambridge's Primal and from "talented students at some of the UK's leading universities". A panel of expert judges will assess all the exhibited work for a "Best of Show" award.

SCEE Studio Cambridge creative director Chris Sorrell beamed: "Primal Art is a world first. The crossover in creative presentation has never been so evident as it is today and never has it been so clearly manifested as it will be at the ICA. We hope that this initiative helps to inspire a new generation of talent so that video games continue to break the boundaries of imagination with compelling design and evocative imagery."

Philip Dodd, director of the ICA was naturally "delighted" to host this "fascinating" event: "It crosses the boundaries between art and technology, culture and business. It's one of the forms the future will take."

The game's looking good - we'll be getting our hands on finished review code shortly and will be burning the candle at both ends, as ever, to bring you our first impressions, followed by a full review before its April 11th release.

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