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Devil May Cry on TV in Japan

TV ad and latest footage of Lucia leave us teary-eyed

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Roughly a year after its PAL debut, Capcom is planning to release the follow-up to Devil May Cry on the 30th of this month in Japan, and a new, 30-second TV advert (3.7MB) has found its way onto the net along with some footage of anti-hero Dante's newfound counterpart, the fiery haired Lucia (5.4MB).

The Dante-packed TV ad is typical Japanese programming, with lots of tasty game-ish CG visuals showing our hero swoop around in great detail firing his massive pistols. Far more interesting though is footage of Lucia, which has the gorgeous gal leaping around like a Matrix extra, pirouetting sideways in the air whilst simultaneously firing what seem to be throwing stars or thereabouts into a horde of fleshless nasties - who seem incapable of landing a blow amid her energetic thrashing. The prospect of controlling this fireball, much less enjoying her company for half of the entire game, is very exciting.

Devil May Cry 2 will be released as a two disc package - one for Dante's adventure, one for Lucia's - on March 28th in Europe according to Capcom's latest dates.

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