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Sony adjusts schedule for Q1

Sly Raccoon, Ape Escape, Jinx, Primal, Mark of Kri, Eye Toy...

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Sony has updated its release schedule for Q1 2003 to reflect various changes.

Starting in January, we can expect to get our hands on Sly Raccoon, Ape Escape 2 and Jinx (PSone) - two out of three of which at least are exciting prospects. Moving in February, we're looking forward to Primal most of all, but Treasure Planet (based on Disney's presumably appalling sci-fi interpretation of Treasure Island) and Pac-Man World 2 are also on the agenda.

Slightly more interesting is stylish scrolling 3D beat 'em up The Mark of Kri, which is due out in March along with Namco's Moto GP3. Finally in April, War of the Monsters will make its presence known.

And on the peripherals front, Sony is hoping to launch Eye Toy in time for Easter. The cute little USB camera which lets you interact with on-screen games to previously impossible degrees was a big hit at the PlayStation Experience. Whether it'll trouble Samba for the "idiot in front of TV" award is difficult to say.

All in all, it's a pretty impressive list for Sony, but quite an understated one. If Sly Raccoon, Ape Escape 2, Primal and The Mark of Kri all deliver, it could be plain sailing, but it'll only take one tanker to make for slim first party pickings...

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