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Hunt like Jango

A special treasure hunt will commemorate the release of Star Wars: Bounty Hunter

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Activision and LucasArts are running a UK-wide treasure hunt to promote the release of Star Wars: Bounty Hunter, the PS 2 version of which is supposedly due out on November 29 (with the Cube version delayed until early 2003). The hunt begins on December 9th, but those wishing to participate will have to first sign up by calling 0906 3027 232 (premium) or heading off to the official website, The competition ends on New Year's Eve.

We're not quite sure what format the treasure hunt is going to take, but Activision says it will be backed by a nationwide marketing campaign including TV, print and online adverts, and that players will have to track down five clues, collect the answers and stake their claim in the bounty.

It should be worth it though. One lucky punter will waltz off into the first sunset of 2003 with a £10,000 cash prize, whilst hundreds more will win Star Wars merchandise and "other galactic goodies". This is the biggest hunt since Darth Vader asked Boba where that scallywag Solo was hiding, and it can't hurt to give it a go, right?

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