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Nintendo sponsors Des' moustache

Tashing in

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Nintendo has secured a major sports sponsorship deal to promote Super Mario Sunshine in Europe. Having thrown Americans into vats of spaghetti and measured tongues, Nintendo is being slightly more reserved about things on this side of the pond. Instead of smearing fans with Italian food or measuring organs, the platform holder has instead sponsored the foremost moustache in English sport: that of ITV football anchorman Des Lynam.


As the photo on the right implies, Des is enjoying his role as spokesman for Nintendo's famous videogame character, and has even coloured his moustache blue, as can plainly be seen. Yes, in-between the girls, mate. You probably didn't notice him. "I'm pleased that the true worth of my moustache has finally been realised," Des told the press this morning. "It's something I've worn proudly for years, despite what fashions have come and gone. I consider Mario a long-serving brother in arms, and long may we both wear our fine facial hair with pride."

Nintendo are equally thrilled with the arrangement. The sponsorship deal will last a year, and Nintendo is looking to insure Des' moustache against damage and loss.

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