New Xbox bundle causes commotion
MS launches a new bundle including several major perks in the US, rattling the sabre in Sony’s direction
Ever belligerent, Microsoft has launched an aggressive Xbox bundle to battle Sony in the US this Christmas. Featuring the console, a Controller S pad and two free Sega games; Sega GT 2002 and Jet Set Radio Future, the only thing missing from the bundle is a DVD remote control, which is, as ever, sold separately.

Although Microsoft has yet to announce plans for the bundle in Europe, it seems very likely that the platform holder will use it to try and reclaim ground between Xbox and PlayStation 2. Two free games and the controller we've been asking for all years seems like a bargain, and in bundling Controller S with Xbox, Microsoft has once again performed a u-turn based on the pressures of public demand.
Which is very encouraging.
Controller S goes on sale in Europe on November 1st, priced £24.99 / €39.99, so if Microsoft plans to move with this new bundle, expect to see it in place across Europe between November 1st and Christmas morn.