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NVIDIA and Square conspire!

Jap dev “aligned with NVIDIA to take the Final Fantasy series to the next level”

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Square and NVIDIA are working closely to make sure the PC version of Final Fantasy XI looks its best on NVIDIA's latest line of GeForce4 GPUs. Square has apparently selected GF4 for the development and deployment of FFXI, with president and CEO Yoichi Wada commenting that "we are proud to announce Final Fantasy XI for Windows today and are pleased to be aligned with NVIDIA to take the Final Fantasy series to the next level." Final Fantasy XI was developed using NVIDIA GPUs as the reference hardware of choice for development and quality control testing, we're told, a move that represents a leap forward for the Final Fantasy series. The move is also obviously a big coup for NVIDIA over its main rival ATI, and when copies of FFXI for Windows go on sale in Japan on November 7th, packaging will feature NVIDIA's "The Best Way to Play" logo. Expect the same of the European version, whenever that turns up. Related Feature - Final Fantasy XI preview

Source - press release

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