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PS2 Network News

More games, more European info

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Sony still hasn't officially told anybody what's going on with the PlayStation 2 online service in Europe. Although a recent report in the official PS2 mag here in the UK shed some light on proceedings, pointing to a broadband-only service and a handful of games, this shouldn't be construed as official confirmation, and it's still nigh on impossible to get anything out of Sony. Still, if OPS2 printed it, it must have been pretty credible, right? We do expect to know more by the end of next month, but until Sony bothers to tell us all what's going on, don't take anything for granted. On the software front, both Tecmo and Sony are reportedly working on new online games. Tecmo's Breaker is scheduled for release during 2003 (shocking), and seems to involve warring factions and a battle for supremacy blah-blah-blah. Breaker should be unveiled at the Tokyo Game Show later this month if reports are correct. Another title in development for PS2's online service is Genki's Tokyo Highway Battle Online (working title). Again, expect to hear more at TGS. Sony also has a game in the making, Blue Squad, which sounds mostly the same as Breaker, except it's set on Mars, where the government and anti-government armies are locking horns. However, Blue Squad is said to include a co-operative mode alongside the traditional teamplay option, and in a nice touch, support for up to four players instead of the expected two.

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