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Run Like Gold

Interplay’s survival horror game for wimps goes gold

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

It's not really for wimps, but Run Like Hell is certainly something we've always felt was missing from survival horror. After all, if you were faced with a pack of marauding zombies and had only a pitiful swiping knife to your name, you would not stand there backed into a corner attempting to split their heads open, would you? You would run. Like a girl, probably, in search of the nearest exit - mission objectives be damned. Interplay's RLH has now gone gold, and that means that it should be with us shortly - current estimates suggest sometime in October. Unlike its contemporaries (well, actually, every bit like them), you are one man separated from the viciously decimated populace of your environment - in this case, a deep space mining station - and a pack of nasty aliens is hunting you down with a view to exterminating you. Your job is to thwart their plans without losing your head. To get an idea of what running like hell feels like, you should investigate a recent batch of screenshots. Related Feature - Run Like Hell screenshots

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