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Console become Jedi Master

PS2, Cube and Xbox versions of Jedi Knight II heave with things to do

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Console owners after LucasArts' port of Jedi Knight II will be pleased to learn that the PS2, Cube and Xbox versions will creak under the weight of a veritable Millennium Falcon-sized stash of multiplayer features. In a recent edition of "Ask LucasArts" on the publisher's website, a slew of options for multiplayer modes was confirmed. Amongst them, a two player Jedi Arena with the option of fighting 14 AI-controlled bots, and the familiar CTF, Free For All, Team FFA, Duel and Jedi Master modes. Weapons-only options will be included for those too clumsy to wield a lightsaber. And to satisfy those with a thirst for single player adventuring, LucasArts has found a way to incorporate the much-needed 'save anywhere' option, which will make the somewhat difficult pre-saber stages all the more bearable, one would imagine. Not content with that though, there will be a separate single player campaign called "Mission at Alzoc III", although we don't really know much about it at this stage. Related Feature - Jedi Knight II review (PC)

Source - Ask LucasArts

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