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Mario joins the Navy

Videogame companies donate consoles and games to US Navy

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

America's Interactive Digital Software Association is doing its bit for the War On Terror™ by donating consoles and games to each of the 72 submarines in the US Navy's fleet. We weren't aware that there was much call for submarines in the mountains of Afghanistan, but apparently they've all been working really hard, and this is the IDSA's way of getting some cheap publicity saying thank you. "The generosity the IDSA displayed in making these game consoles and games available to our people is outstanding", appreciative Submarine Force Master Chief (no relation) Donald Kultti told the press. "We are really working our people hard these days and this sort of thing permits them an escape from the demanding schedule that requires perfection out of them all. Thanks to the IDSA for their contributions to the men of the United States Submarine Force. We appreciate them." Meanwhile Kelly Powell of the Morale, Welfare and Recreation division espoused the benefits of playing games. "More than 10,000 sailors serving aboard submarines worldwide are now enjoying the recreation and social benefits of video consoles and numerous electronic games. These consoles and games provide sailors with a much-needed distraction and recreation during the limited free time sailors enjoy on board submarines. The Sailors of America's Submarine Fleet send a sincere 'thank you' to the folks at Interactive Digital Software Association for their thoughtfulness and kindness." Aw, bless.

Source - press release

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