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Wednesday is Time Of Defiance

Massively multiplayer strategy game launches

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Nicely Crafted Entertainment will be launching their addictive online strategy game Time Of Defiance on Wednesday 21st August. With entertaining gameplay, a strong community, impressive 3D graphics for such a tiny download size (a mere 10Mb) and room for up to a thousand players in each server, it's a masterpiece of shoestring budget game development and well worth a look if you fancy something a little different to swallow your spare time. System requirements are fairly low and the game is playable on any internet connection from an analogue modem on up. A PDA version is expected to launch later in the year, and with SMS text alerts due to be introduced some time next month as well, you'll have no excuse for not defending your online empire. "This is the culmination of eighteen month's intensive hard work", MD Toby Simpson enthused. "The human factor that massively multiplayer games bring to the party provides players with an endless range of strategies and challenges as other players resort to increasingly devious ploys. Almost all of our original alpha testers from August last year are still playing today, which is a fantastic testament to the flexibility and depth of the product." Still not convinced? A free five day demo will be available from the developer's website at, after which you'll be able to carry on playing for just £5 a month, with discount rates of £25 for six months and £40 for a full year available to hardened addicts. Go on, you know you want to. Related Feature - Time Of Defiance preview

Chez Gestalt

Source - press release

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