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Mario Meatballs

Another bizarre marketing concept

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Nintendo have picked an unusual way to celebrate the US release of Super Mario Sunshine, with a world record attempt to cook the world's biggest ever bowl of pasta. Taking place in Little Italy in San Francisco, the marketing stunt will see 2,700 pounds (that's about 1200kg in real measurements) of pasta and sauce being cooked up by Bucca di Beppo over lunchtime on Thursday August 22nd. And as if that's not bizarre enough for you, fans are being invited to dress up as Mario, with the best look-a-likes diving into the enormous bowl to become a "human meatball". As well as looking incredibly stupid, you'll also get the chance to win a holiday in Hawaii and other prizes. Related Feature - Super Mario Sunshine preview

Source - Nintendo

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