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Kingdom Hearts this year

Europe takes the Mickey

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

It's a very boring week, this. Most of the people we've spoken to this week have either been sunbathing or drinking profusely. Still, we have uncovered some interesting things this week, and we've learnt to appreciate the smaller things in life. The sound of a bird singing, for example. The sound of drunken teenagers in the park across the road. The sound of the impending release of Square and Disney's RPG crossover Kingdom Hearts in Europe. Hot on the heals of the immensely popular Final Fantasy X, Sony will be publishing Kingdom Hearts in Europe during the fourth quarter of 2002, around about Christmas time we would imagine. There is no word on the PAL conversion, and whether it will be up to the - cough - standards of FFX's PAL showing, but here's hoping that both companies will pull their socks up and treat us like something other than the Third Place for once. Related Feature - Kingdom Hearts screenshots (PS2)

Source - GameFront

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