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Staggan Testers Unite

The world’s first massively multiplayer football game heads into testing

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

The recently announced United Soccer is to be put to public testing by developer Staggan, the firm has announced. The developer hopes that user feedback will shape the game into a superior end product, but it also wants to have a bit of fun before things get too hectic. "We thought it would be fun to allow a limited number of people to help us with much needed feedback on the game design and play mechanics," managing director Martyn Hughes said yesterday. "We know its unusual to show this kind of game at such an early stage but its such a unique and unusual game that we want to get it right from its first launch, we don't want to be the next Funcom as someone suggested on a popular gaming website." Staggan has already announced a tentative launch period for the multiplayer test as late October or early November. This version will allow players to compete in team games with 3-11 players-a-side, and a text-based chat facility will be included. Staple multiplayer options will also be included, such as the option for passworded games, custom team make-ups, and Staggan also promises a "game viewer" so that spectators can watch matches unfold without getting involved. For more information on United Soccer, please refer to our interview with Martyn Hughes, conducted in the aftermath of England's 1-0 defeat of Argentina last month. [Any excuse to bring that up again… -Ed] Related Feature - On The Ball with Staggan's United

Source - press release

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