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Codies Club Gamers

Tailor-made versions of the company's new football game planned for individual clubs

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Codemasters plans to take on the combined might of EA Sports, Konami and Sony amongst others. Targeting the lucrative football genre, the company has announced Club Football, a game with 15 uniquely branded versions tailor made for supporters of 15 specific clubs. Instead of just rebranding boxes and manuals, the Codies plan to focus each release on the exploits of that particular team, naming them after each team with a Club Football subtitle. The game will first be playable at E3 in May, and Codemasters claim that the game is FIFA/ISS-esque with "the most realistic representations of players even seen in a football title" according to a company spokesperson. Before long, we can expect to see the united colours of Club Football sprinkled around various gaming emporiums across Europe. The teams to be used at listed below, and if your favourite team is absent, it's probably because the Codies couldn't get the license. Never mind though; if successful, one can expect to see annual updates and the like, along the lines of season highlight videos…

Arsenal (England)

Aston Villa (England)

Chelsea (England)

Leeds United (England)

Liverpool (England)

Manchester United (England)

Rangers (Scotland)

Borussia Dortmund (Germany)

Hamburg SV (Germany)

FC Bayern Munich (Germany)

Ajax (Netherlands)

FC Barcelona (Spain)

AC Milan (Italy)

Inter Milan (Italy)

Source - press release

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