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MX GeFarce?

Whether or not the GeForce 4 MX deserves to be sold as such, it ought at least to work...

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

The GeForce 4 MX has taken a bit of a hammering since its launch in Brussels last week, with several big names in hardware journalism and developers (including Quake God John Carmack) lining up to have a go at its lack of pixel and vertex shading support, and it's - some say unreasonable - use of the GeForce 4 moniker.

Apparently performance isn't the only problem facing GeForce 4 MX buyers. The much-vaunted multi-monitor display mode regularly locks up and freezes our test systems, with the only option to remove the second monitor from the equation. The catalyst for these lock-ups is difficult to discern, but it doesn't seem to be to do with the brand new Nview software NVIDIA has been promoting.

We'll spare the board manufacturer's blushes until we can be sure that this isn't a widespread problem with GeForce 4 MX cards, now often referred to as NV17 to distance them from the beastly GeForce 4 Titanium range. The board manufacturer could not be reached at press time.

For the moment though, our advice is obvious: steer clear of the GeForce 4 MX if you plan to use it in multi-monitor configuration, unless you like rebooting once every few minutes.

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