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Ghost Recon gets add-on

New weapons, vehicles, enemies and settings on the way

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Image credit: Eurogamer

In a move which is sure to shock absolutely nobody given Red Storm's habit of milking a franchise 'till it bleeds, a mission pack has been announced for their recently released tactical action game Ghost Recon. Due for release as early as March, the add-on will transplant the action to the deserts of Africa as war breaks out between Ethiopia and Eritrea. Along with the new sun-soaked environments and eight new single player missions, the game will also add a few new weapons, vehicles and enemies into the mix. Interestingly, while the add-on hasn't even been officially named yet, the press release describes it as "the first mission pack" for the game. So no doubt we can expect a string of follow-ups, spin-offs and sequels over the next few years in true Rainbow Six fashion. Related Feature - Ghost Recon review

Ghost Recon goes to Africa

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