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GeForce goes Titanium

NVIDIA launches new hardware range

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Image credit: Eurogamer

In a move sure to surprise only people who have spent the last year living in a tent in Mongolia, NVIDIA have announced a new line of graphics cards for the run up to Christmas. These are being dubbed the "Titanium" series, and should start to show up on store shelves by October 12th if everything goes to plan. Heading up the list is the GeForce 3 Titanium, available in Ti 200 and Ti 500 varieties. The former promises an impressive fill-rate of 2.8 billion anti-aliased samples per second and full support for Microsoft's DirectX 8.0, while the latter is the hardware enthusiast's model, offering up to 3.8 billion samples per second. Both of the cards sport a handful of new features, including support for 3D textures and shadow buffers, which should allow realistic soft-edged lighting effects. No pricing details are available yet, but we would hazard a guess that the high end model will set you back over £300 at first. Meanwhile at the cheap end of the range is the mainstream-targeted GeForce 2 Ti, which features NVIDIA's "Shading Rasterizer" and its fancy per-pixel effects, as well as all the other gizmos we have come to know and love over the last year. NVIDIA claim the card will run almost twice as fast as other "similarly-priced products", although as we don't know for sure yet just what that price will be, it's hard to tell what those other products are. It seems likely that this card is being lined up to replace the GeForce 2 MX at the budget end of the market though. NVIDIA has an enviable reputation for releasing products almost like clockwork every spring and autumn, and once again it looks like they have wrong-footed their rivals. ATI have just released a pair of new graphics cards, amidst much boasting of GeForce 3 beating performance for the high-end Radeon 8500. Unfortunately for the Canadian company, NVIDIA have once again moved the goalposts a few hundred yards down the field. Related Feature - GeForce 3 Titanium review

Source - press release

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