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Gaming industry apparently escapes New York carnage

Updated - Terrorist attacks shake New York offices, but no casualties reported so far

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Yesterday's terrorist attack on New York has shaken America, causing untold casualties and shocking the world. At this time our thoughts are with those who have lost friends and relatives in the disaster, and our best wishes go to all of our American readers at this difficult time.

Since the explosions yesterday we have been trying to contact video game companies with offices in the New York area, as well as our own writers who are currently in America. EuroGamer staff writer Martin Taylor is on holiday in the USA at the moment but was apparently safe in San Francisco at the time of the attacks, while Manhattan-based freelancer Alexander Antoniades, who wrote a number of features for us earlier in the year, was also unharmed.

We have just received confirmation from Take 2 Interactive that the staff of their New York offices are "all fine", although obviously shaken by the ordeal. We have also heard from Activision that their American staff have survived the terrorist onslaught, with UK PR manager Nina Jenkins describing them as "shocked and dazed" following the attacks. "We are all saddened by the horrific incident in New York City, and we feel particular sadness for all of our US counterparts. Our main offices are located in Santa Monica, which is really out of the danger zone, but we have other partners such as Marvel much nearer to this attack. They have emailed us to notify us that all their US colleagues are well and fine. This does however exclude friends and familes, for which some have been affected."

Infogrames have also now told us that "as far as we know, all members of the staff at Infogrames NY are well". We are still waiting to hear from other gaming and hardware companies with offices in New York, and if anyone reading this report can give us additional information we would like to hear from you. Our sympathies go to all of the people who were not so lucky and have lost loved ones during these attacks.

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