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Arabian Nights returns

Visiware's episodic action-adventure game gets a new lease of life offline

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Last year Visiware became one of the first companies to release a truly episodic game over the internet, with Arabian Nights taking you back to a mythological middle east to fight an evil Grand Vizir and rescue five scantily clad princesses in true One Thousand And One Nights fashion. Now they have teamed up with Wanadoo to bundle all seven episodes of the action-adventure game in a single package for a more conventional retail release, with Koch's Virtuoso division distributing it in the UK.

Arabian Nights should be available from September 21st, with a recommended retail price of £29.99. This is actually slightly more expensive than buying the episodes seperately online at the moment, although there's only a couple of pounds in it. Still, if you have unmetered internet access and can live without owning a hard copy of the game in a nice shiny DVD-style box, you might do better to download the game from the Visiware website. And if you want to try before you buy, a free demo of the first episode of the game is available there to give you a taste of what to expect from the full package.

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