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Official UK ELSA Tribes 2 cup

Hardware manufacturer to provide prizes and gaming rigs for UK Tribes 2 competition

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Vivendi Universal Interactive Publishing (try saying that after a few pints) has announced that their official UK Tribes 2 Cup has garnered the support of hardware manufacturer ELSA, who will be supplying the LAN-based final of the competition with their GeForce 3 based GLADIAC 920 graphics cards. Given that the GeForce 3 is just about the only thing currently capable of running Tribes 2 smoothly at high resolutions, this is obviously a Good Thing™. As VUIP's British PR honcho Frazer Nash commented, "Tribes 2 is a game designed for next generation technology, and ELSA is breaking all boundaries with their new Geforce3 graphics card - the two combined will make for a beautiful partnership". You can almost taste the saccharine. ELSA will also be giving all eight members of the winning team (tribe?) one of the cards to take home with them, which is sure to bring a smile to somebody's face when the finals take place on Thursday 23rd August.

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