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Tribal Gathering

The first open beta version of Quake 3 mod "Tribal CTF" has been released

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

We don't often report on user-made add-ons here at EuroGamer, but one mod which has caught our eye recently is Tribal CTF for Quake 3. Featuring three unique teams (cyborgs, aliens and elementals) and some truly stunning maps which (in terms of pure eye candy at least) are a match for anything that id Software has released to date, it's certainly one of the best looking mods to grace our screens to date. Last night the Tribal team released the first public beta version of the game, weighing in at around 36Mb and featuring all three tribes and a single map to play on. You can grab it from any of the following outlets -

download from 3D Downloads

download from Blue's News

download from File Planet

download from Tribal CTF

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