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Gameplay not for sale

Chairman barks off the vultures

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Gameplay chairman Mark Strachan is quoted in this week's issue of MCV as saying that "there isn't a For Sale sign on Gameplay," despite claims from technology tabloids that Cisco is in talks to take up to 20% of the company. After cutting its losses last week and serving 275 employees P45s with their morning tea, the article explains that the company has restructured to focus on two key areas; Technology and Boxed Games. The reports that Cisco is interested in a stake in the retailer stem from an article in the Sunday Telegraph last week. The article stated that Cisco were at "an advanced stage" in negotiations, despite missing their financial forecasts for the second half of last year. The company's acquisitions have been plentifold recently though, so many felt the story would bear fruit. Nonetheless, Strachan insists that the company has received "no bids," and that although they talk to a lot of people, the matter is not one under consideration. Related Feature - Gameplay cut 275 jobs

Source - MCV

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