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FFIX Adverts - Beautiful

Okay, we detest the junk we're forced to sit through on Television here in the UK as well, but if this was ever aired, we'd probably book a seat

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Advertising for games can be just as awful as it is for toothpaste and other rubbish, but occasionally someone hits the spot. Unfortunately for us, they never seem to hit it within 10,000 miles of us, but thankfully there are fellows like The Gaming Intelligence Agency on-hand to help us out. Their latest perishables include the latest Final Fantasy IX television adverts. We've seen impressive visuals from Square before, mainly in promotional teaser artwork for its new Final Fantasy movie, and this is up to their usual high standards. Each ad' is 30 seconds long with full sound in 320x240 resolution. They clock in at about 6.3Mb and are well worth the 20 minutes or so download time on ISDN.

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