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FF Xbox?

Can Microsoft pull a stonking Squaresoft RPG out of its hat to cap off the magic?

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Nikkei Computer is a Japanese news service, and unlike services in the West that are often biased in favour of rumour or circumstance, is often capable of unearthing gossip with a darn sight more truth to it than you'd expect. Which is why this particular gem of an item is regarded with a bit more validity than some of its Western chums. According to the Nipponese news feed, Squaresoft are not only developing for the Xbox, but have been since day one. Since even the initial development kits were released to potentials this summer, it says. Rumours of Microsoft's involvement with Square reached an apex at the Tokyo Game Show last month and it seems that the celestial RPG producer may have another Final Fantasy game up its sleeve; fittingly this would make it Final Fantasy X, both in terms of its platform and of course its Roman numeration. But if not, the other possibility is Final Fantasy IX, currently in development and scheduled for release in the summer of 2001 with a massive online element to it. If this were to be the case, it would as IGN points out imply that the PlayOnline service Square are touting would work for both systems potentially allowing PS2 and Xbox gamers to meet up and battle together into the sunset. Nobody involved at any level seems to be available for comment, least of all Microsoft and Squaresoft, who seem to view this information leak as an egg-on-face situation.

Source - IGN

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