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Ezesurf RIP?

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Ezesurf, one of the many unmetered ISPs that has sprung up in the UK recently, is currently down amid reports that their 0800 service has been cut off by telecoms provider Energis. The official line from Ezesurf is that the service is down due to technical problems and there will be an announcement within 48 hours, but there are rumours that Energis pulled the plug after Ezesurf failed to pay their bill. No doubt we will know more soon.

Ironically I signed up for an Ezesurf account just a month ago, but although I have just discovered that my credit card was billed for £39 by the company soon afterwards, they never sent any confirmation e-mail, or let me know the 0800 number to access their unmetered service. A customer services rep from the company this morning told me that they were behind schedule sending out the e-mails, but given that my card was billed three weeks ago and I haven't heard anything from them in that time I'm a little dubious...

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